Lubrication System FlexxPump4 Battery

Electromechanical lubrication system

for direct supply of max. two lubrication points

The FlexxPump4 B is a highly efficient, microprocessor-controlled single or multi-point lubrication system. The power supply for the FlexxPump4 B is provided by a 6 V battery pack. The lubrication system is suitable for the accurate and demand-oriented direct supply of grease or oil to a maximum of two lubrication points. Due to the high operating pressure of up to  70 bar (1015 psi), the FlexxPump4 B can also be used in combination with lubricant distributors to supply several lubrication points.

The following operating modes can be flexibly set on the FlexxPump4 B:

  • Hour-Mode -h- (setting of a pause time between two lubrication cycles and setting of the number of cycles during a dispensing cycle)
  • Empty-Time-Mode Et (setting of an emptying time in months and setting of the number of cycles during a dispensing cycle)

The lubrication system can optionally be equipped with an M12x1 connector as a connection for an LED cable. This enables remote monitoring of the FlexxPump4 B in addition to the display.

For downloads and user manuals, please visit our
  • Greases up to NLGI class 2
  • Oils up to 30,000 mm²/s

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  • Rolling and plain bearing lubrication
  • Linear guides
  • Ball screws
  • Racks and pinions
  • Chains
Hour-Mode -h-:

Pause time 1 - 240 h

Number of cycles 1 - 30

Empty-Time-Mode Et:

Emptying time 1 – 36 months

Number of cycles 1 – 30

External connection:
depending on version
Pressure monitoring:
Level pre-warning:
Empty level warning:
External battery compartment:
Technical specifications
Power supply:
6 V
Number of outlets:
max. 2
Operating temperature:

min. – 20 °C

max. + 70 °C

Maximum output pressure:
70 bar (1015 psi)
Protection class:
Volume per dispensing stroke:
0,15 cm³
Cartridge volume:

400 ml (Standard Cartridge)

250 ml (optional)

Outlet connection:
Connector for hose 6 mm
Mounting position:
approx. 1100 g
Dimensions W, H, D:

108 x 200 x 111 mm (250ml cartridge)


108 x 165 x 111 mm (400ml cartridge)

Article no. Name No. of outlets Cartridge size Connection for LED cable
210725 FP4 B211 1 250 ml
210727 FP4 B211-M12 1 250 ml
210726 FP4 B212 2 250 ml
210730 FP4 B212-M12 2 250 ml
210717 FP4 B411 1 400 ml
210721 FP4 B411-M12 1 400 ml
210718 FP4 B412 2 400 ml
210722 FP4 B412-M12 2 400 ml

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